Hulk 4×4 Terminal Block for HU6540 DC-DC Battery Charger

In stock Hulk 4×4 Terminal Block for HU6540 DC-DC Battery Charger. Available in Australia from the official Hulk 4X4 stockist My Generator.
Hulk 4x4 Terminal Block for HU6540 DC-DC Battery Charger
Hulk 4×4 Terminal Block for HU6540 DC-DC Battery Charger, 1 Year Warranty. An ideal wiring aid for the HU6540 HULK DC-DC Battery Charger

Eliminates the complexity of the wiring connections by providing a dedicated ground for each input and output.
Clear plastic hinge cover covers all terminals for further protection.
Copper with nickel plating terminals ensure no power loss.
M5 dedicated studs ensure secure electrical connections.

Brand Hulk 4X4
Stockist My Generator

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